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Why am I hearing aircraft noise at night? Aren’t there restrictions on night flights?

Edinburgh Airport is a 24-hour operational airport. There are no restrictions on night flying at Edinburgh Airport. Night time is regarded as the period between 23:30 and 06:00.

Can I get compensation for noise disturbance?

Aircraft noise is governed by civil aviation legislation. At Edinburgh Airport, we offer a Noise Insulation Scheme to residential properties in the 63 dBLeq contour and above. Please click on the link below for further information.

What if I have a question about a specific aircraft or noise, who do I contact?

Web: Please follow the instructions provided under "I have an enquiry" or alternatively:
Write to: Communications, Edinburgh Airport, Terminal Building, Edinburgh EH12 9DN
Dedicated free noise enquiry line: 0800 731 3397

Why have you refused to provide information under the Freedom of Information Act?

Please note that the Freedom of Information act (link attached below) only relates to public authorities such as local government, national government deptartments and not to private companies.

Why do some aircraft appear to fly so much lower than others?

It's quite normal for aircraft to operate at a range of heights. It is important to stress that aircraft vary considerably in size and larger aircraft do often appear to be operating lower than others.

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